Mid-Career Transition and Reentry Coaching
From Career Crossroads to Career Recalibration
To the daring souls navigating a career pivot or making a triumphant return after a brief or extended hiatus, this is your moment to redefine success on your terms. But let’s say you’re long-established in your current role and the thought of transitioning to a different job feels overwhelming or too risky at this point in your life. Then what? Or you’ve been out of the job market for so long, you’re struggling to articulate your core strengths and the type of work you’d like to do and hope to excel in?
To which I’ll say
The professional landscape is ever evolving, and so are you! Take the leap of faith.
Let's embrace the power of reinvention, leveraging your backlog of experiences and how these skills translate to meet the needs of a new occupational field or adjacent space you’ve been itching to return to. Together we’ll craft a mid-career reset or desired comeback that reflects the individual you are today and your intentions for the future.
Coaching Sessions Designed for Your Unique Situation With Tangible Outcomes
What’s Involved in Launching Your Career Transition: Reboot or Tweak?
Identify potential skill gaps, developmental training, and the ability to showcase transferable skills from your previous career for a more seamless transition.
Networking Reboot
Revitalize your professional network by reconnecting with former colleagues, industry contacts, and exploring new connections in your chosen field of transition and/or reentry.
Mastering the Interview: Virtual or In-Person
Engage in mock interview coaching to build confidence organizing and articulating your story with the STAR Behavioral-based Interview approach.
Learn how to gracefully turn perceived liabilities into tangible assets.
Savvy Salary Negotiations That Leave Everyone Feeling Good - Especially YOU.
You’ll walk into first, second, or final round interviews, understanding compensation ranges and how to effectively promote your value and salary expectations.
Navigating Through a Forced or Passion-Driven Reinvention
Understand the current job market, including demand for skills in your chosen field, industry trends, and how to conduct a successful and sustainable job search.
Brand Building and Body Language
Develop and showcase a refreshed personal and professional brand narrative, reflecting your work history, insights and adaptability, positioning you as a valuable asset in your new professional venture.
Resume Resuscitation, Cover Letters, and Letters of Introduction
Learn how to craft a range of outreach correspondences with purpose and finesse, tailored to the specific roles and organizations you’re applying to. Create branding materials that differentiate you from the candidate pack, showcasing your diverse experiences, qualifying assets and knowledge of the company that inspired your outreach.